Pavement Maintenance and Budgeting Considerations for the End of the Year: A Guide for Facility Managers

As the year begins to wind down, facility managers are faced with the task of wrapping up their pavement maintenance projects while strategically planning for the next year. Whether it’s roadways, parking lots, or pedestrian walkways, well-maintained paved surfaces are crucial for safety, functionality, and curb appeal. With winter around the corner, it’s essential to ensure that your pavements are properly prepared to withstand the harsh conditions ahead. Equally important is using year-end budget evaluations to plan effectively for next year’s projects.

In today’s blog, we present a comprehensive guide to help facility managers navigate the year-end pavement maintenance tasks and budget planning.

01. Final Inspections and Quality Control

Structural Damage

Before closing out the year’s paving projects, a final inspection is a must. This ensures that all work has been completed to the specified standards and helps identify any potential issues before winter weather sets in.

  • Inspect Completed Work: Make sure that all surfaces are smooth, free of defects, and properly graded to allow for drainage. Check for cracks, uneven areas, or signs of premature wear. This final inspection is the last chance to address any concerns with the contractor, so it’s vital to be thorough.
  • Ensure ADA Compliance: Verify that all paved surfaces, such as parking lots and pedestrian walkways, comply with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations. This includes ensuring proper curb cuts, ramps, and surface textures to accommodate individuals with disabilities.
  • Testing and Grading: Make sure that the paving materials meet the project’s specified standards. Check that they’ve been adequately compacted and that the asphalt or concrete layers are of the correct thickness. Quality control at this stage ensures the durability of the pavement, reducing the need for premature repairs.

02. Weatherproofing and Winter Preparation

With the winter months approaching, facility managers need to focus on ensuring that paved surfaces are protected from the damaging effects of snow, ice, and freeze-thaw cycles.

Seal Coating: Applying a seal coat to asphalt surfaces can significantly prolong their lifespan. Seal coating helps protect the pavement from UV damage, chemical spills, and water infiltration, which can lead to cracking and potholes during freeze-thaw cycles. It’s an inexpensive maintenance step that provides long-term benefits.

  • Address Drainage: Ensure that proper drainage systems are in place to prevent water accumulation. Standing water can quickly deteriorate paved surfaces, especially when it freezes. Make sure that drains, gutters, and culverts are clear of debris and functioning correctly.
  • Cold-Weather Protection: For projects completed late in the year, confirm that the paving materials have fully cured and are ready to handle cold temperatures. Improperly cured pavement can become brittle and crack, leading to expensive repairs come spring.

03. Documentation and Warranty Reviews

Good record-keeping is essential for tracking the longevity of your paving investments and ensuring that warranty claims can be processed efficiently.

  • Complete Documentation: Make sure that all aspects of the project—including materials used, contractor details, permits, and inspection results—are documented. This information is critical for future maintenance and repairs, as well as for warranty claims.
  • Review Warranties: Understanding the coverage of warranties is essential. Whether it’s for materials, workmanship, or a combination of both, knowing the terms can help you save money on repairs and replacements. Before year-end, review any warranty agreements to ensure they are in place and up to date.

04. Budget Analysis and Adjustments

As you close out this year’s pavement projects, a review of your budget performance is crucial for both year-end adjustments and planning for the upcoming year.

  • Analyze Budget Performance: Compare this year’s actual spending against your allocated budget for paving projects. Identify any overages or savings and look for opportunities to improve cost management in future projects. If you’ve come in under budget, consider allocating those funds to preventive maintenance or small repairs before winter, ensuring you protect your paved surfaces from further damage.
  • Reallocate Unused Funds: Any surplus in this year’s budget can be reallocated to other facility management needs. It’s worth considering whether funds could be put towards small repairs or surface maintenance that can prevent more costly work next year.

05. Preventive Maintenance

Regular preventive maintenance not only prolongs the life of paved surfaces but also reduces the need for expensive repairs.

  • Routine Maintenance: Crack sealing, pothole repairs, and re-striping are all essential maintenance tasks that should be scheduled regularly. Crack sealing, can help prevent water from seeping into the pavement, causing freeze-thaw damage. Winterizing your pavement now can prevent deterioration and save significant repair costs in the spring.

PaveConnect Can Help You Put a Maintenance Plan Together for Your Parking Lot!

06. Evaluating Contractor Performance

At the end of the year, it’s also essential to assess how well your contractors performed and use that information to plan future projects.

  • Assess Contractor Performance: Evaluate the quality of work provided by contractors and vendors. Did they meet deadlines? Was the work completed within budget? Were safety guidelines followed? Answering these questions will help you decide whether to renew contracts or look for new vendors next year.
  • Solicit Bids for Next Year: Start the bidding process early for next year’s projects. By securing contractors well in advance, you can avoid delays and potentially negotiate better rates, especially before the busy spring paving season.

07. Planning Next Year’s Paving Projects

With a clear understanding of your current pavement condition and budget, you can start planning for next year’s projects.

  • Evaluate Future Needs: Identify areas that will need attention next year, whether it’s resurfacing, seal coating, or full replacements. It’s essential to prioritize projects based on pavement conditions, traffic load, and safety concerns.
  • Forecast Costs: Anticipate increases in material and labor costs due to inflation or supply chain disruptions. Building a contingency into your budget will help manage these unpredictable expenses.
  • Sustainable Paving Solutions: For next year’s projects, consider eco-friendly options such as permeable paving or recycled asphalt. These sustainable solutions may cost more upfront but can lead to long-term savings and support your organization’s sustainability goals.

08. Long-Term Planning for Durability

Finally, focus on durability and long-term cost savings as part of your strategy.

  • Choose High-Quality Materials: Invest in materials with long lifespans, even if they come with a higher upfront cost. Durable paving materials will reduce maintenance needs and increase the pavement’s overall life cycle, leading to significant cost savings over time.
  • Traffic Load Considerations: When selecting materials for next year’s projects, ensure that they are designed to handle the expected traffic load. Heavy traffic can quickly wear down weaker materials, leading to faster deterioration.


As facility managers wrap up this year’s paving projects, it’s essential to focus on quality control, weather-proofing, and preventive maintenance to prepare surfaces for the winter. At the same time, reviewing budget performance and planning for next year’s projects allows managers to make cost-effective decisions that ensure the longevity of paved surfaces. By following these steps, you can ensure that your pavements remain functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing while staying within your budget.

If you’d like expert guidance on winterizing your parking lot, reach out to the team at PaveConnect. We’re here to help with all your paving needs! Our professionals can evaluate your parking lot’s condition and create a plan to keep it in peak condition year-round.

Looking for a National asphalt paving contractor for your next project?

Give Us a Call: 877.942.5613

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