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Parking Lot Drainage Solutions
Welcome to part 2 of our Parking Lot Drainage series. In part one we discussed the different types of damage associated with poor drainage. In part 2, we’ll discuss solutions to fix your drainage issues.
Parking lot drainage has much to do with your specific situation. Like the various kinds of damage, there are various solutions to keep your parking lot water free. You may need only one of these solutions, or you may want to exercise all three, depending on the location of your parking lot and the extent of the damage.
Possible Solutions for Poor Parking Lot Drainage
Consider Curbing
A parking lot without curbing is much like a painting without a frame, it’s not complete. Adding curbing within the borders of your parking lot can help redirect the flow of water through the asphalt. This can help limit the amount of standing water and redirect the water toward drains or to the perimeter of the lot, where it can be reabsorbed into the natural earth.
As a bonus, curbs can also provide opportunities to accent your parking lot with landscaping or lighting, which will make your business look more professional.

Consider Curbing
A parking lot without curbing is much like a painting without a frame, it’s not complete. Adding curbing within the borders of your parking lot can help redirect the flow of water through the asphalt. This can help limit the amount of standing water and redirect the water toward drains or to the perimeter of the lot, where it can be reabsorbed into the natural earth.
As a bonus, curbs can also provide opportunities to accent your parking lot with landscaping or lighting, which will make your business look more professional.
Correct The Parking Lot Slope
The pooling of water in your parking lot may signify that your parking lot either doesn’t have a slope, or it’s sloping the wrong way. To correct this, you need to adjust the slope of your parking lot so that the parking area very gradually slopes toward drains or off to the edge of the lot perimeter. This will help prevent any water from pooling on the asphalt by directing it to flow off the premises instead. Slope of the asphalt should be between 1% and 5% to drain water most effectively off your parking lot.
Correct The Parking Lot Slope
The pooling of water in your parking lot may signify that your parking lot either doesn’t have a slope, or it’s sloping the wrong way. To correct this, you need to adjust the slope of your parking lot so that the parking area very gradually slopes toward drains or off to the edge of the lot perimeter. This will help prevent any water from pooling on the asphalt by directing it to flow off the premises instead. Slope of the asphalt should be between 1% and 5% to drain water most effectively off your parking lot.
Install Drainage Ditches And Grates
The third solution for your parking lot drainage problems is to add runoff drains and trenches throughout your parking lot. This is a great option if your parking lot is unusually large, to the point where redirecting the water may be too challenging to realistically accomplish.
By installing drainage ditches and grates in your parking lot, you’ll ensure the water is directed out of your parking area and into a sewer or other municipal waterway. In order to ensure that standing water runs into drainage gutters, the grade of the drainage grate should be at least 3% but preferably closer to 5%.

Install Drainage Ditches and Grates
The third solution for your parking lot drainage problems is to add runoff drains and trenches throughout your parking lot. This is a great option if your parking lot is unusually large, to the point where redirecting the water may be too challenging to realistically accomplish.
By installing drainage ditches and grates in your parking lot, you’ll ensure the water is directed out of your parking area and into a sewer or other municipal waterway. In order to ensure that standing water runs into drainage gutters, the grade of the drainage grate should be at least 3% but preferably closer to 5%.
In Summary
Parking lot drainage is one of the most important factors effecting the longevity of your parking lot. Before deciding on how to handle your parking lot drainage problems, be sure to consult a professional with knowledge of your specific situation, who can help determine which solution(s) may be right for you.
If you have questions or concerns about the wellbeing of your parking lot, get in touch with our team of experts at PaveConnect today to discuss solutions for your parking lot drainage problems!
Contact Us today to discuss how together we can create a Maintenance Plan for Your Parking lot!
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